Tuesday, November 6, 2012

N 34 - I would like my town to be Clean and Green

Though I was not born in Taunggyi I had lived in this town most of my life. So it can be said that Taunggyi  is my town. It is a town which many local people like to visit.  Anyone who had visited the town would praised it saying that it is very clean, the vegetables fresh, and the weather very nice. I even heard once that it will be designated the ASEAN city of Myanmar.

Those people who said like that about Taunggyi don’t know the town well. They saw it only superficially as they passed along the Main Road which is well kept by the Municiple. For a town to be called perfect (I don’t expect  it to reach that degree) it should have certain characteristics. It should be clean, (waste management should be effective). The roads should be good, water and power supply efficient, has a proper public transportation system, and public places like markets, playground, parks should be situated according to people’s needs.

My aim is to write about clean and green as  is the title of my blog but first let me say something about the roads. If you look at Taunggyi the many and narrow roads are not well kept. For example, the road to the cemetery which many cars are using everyday is a winding road that passes around hillsides and it is narrow that in some places cars have to wait for other cars which come from the opposite direction to pass and then continue their way. Many other roads are also like this.

Waste management is ineffective. There is no regular daily waste collection system. I think there is only one concrete waste bin for one whole ward. Because my house and its surroundings have to go far away to dispose our rubbish. And waste disposal is allowed only between 6pm and 6am. I want to compare our system with that of a foreign big city. In that city garbage bins (recyclable and unrecyclable) are everywhere and anybody can dispose  garbage  at any time. The waste gathering car comes only once a week but it does not cause any problem. In my town because the waste bin is far away people throw their waste where they should not be thrown and thus make the environment dirty. People should also take care of their houses and its surroundings and to make them do so discipline and law should also be enforced on the people. Other ways and means should also be found to make our town to become a clean town.

To be conintued ....

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