Wednesday, November 7, 2012

N35 - I Would Like My Town to be Clean and Green (Part 2)

 About green....

Taunggyi has adequate rainfall trees and plants grow well. It had been green many years ago with cherry trees, oaks, pines, crab trees and many other kinds of trees. But during these few decades the town has grown too big and overpopulated. So many trees had to be cut down to make place for houses. And also due to the ignorance of people many trees were cut down. One friend of mine who had gone to live abroad, when he came back for a visit after many years commented that the mountain on the east of the town had become sparse and thin with trees whereas it had been green and thickly covered with trees before he had gone. Also due to carelessness of people fire broke out every year on the mountain and many trees were destroyed.

We are enjoying many advantages given to us by mother nature including trees and plants. We will not be able to live if there are no trees left and our mountains become taung gadone (bald mountain ) like many other hills and mountains that had become like that.

I remember there is an omen that Taunggyi will someday be destroyed due to scarcity of water. Many brick and concrete buildings have sprouted all over the town and home owners did not leave pieces of ground in their yards, but covered all with concrete and plaster. So it is impossible for the rainwater to seep into the ground to refill the underground water resources that people are using abundantly by means of artesian wells. If we continue to extract water in this way we cannot say that the ill omen will not become true though I hope it will not happen.

Even Singapore where the land is very scarce is green with trees and parks which are well cared for. So why shouldn't we take care of our town to be green and everlasting? Everybody has his or her own duty to do so and are needing some guidance from the upper part of the administration and from some people or society who are interested in making the environment green.

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