Friday, October 26, 2012

N 33 To My Granddaughters (and all Daughters as well ) with Love

N33     To my Granddaughters  (and all Daughters as well ) with Love    Part 2

About culture;   The world is all connected by the internet, so that it has become a global village now. All forms of culture concerning fashion, hair style , music, dance, attitudes, ideas, and many other things have penetrated into our culture through all kinds of media , which we cannot turn a blind eye on and refuse to accept. But on the contrary we accept these cultures readily and gladly. So what have become to the styles of our young people now? Actresses and models, girls and young women’s dresses have become very very hot that they cannot be called  respective  and are not acceptable by older people. I often see articles written and criticized  by writers who are opposed to those kind of dressings  in journals. About clothes we shouldn’t go to extremes because there is nothing to be gained ,but only they may give bad results.

Besides fashion style we also adopt music , dances, lifestyles  readily  as if they were our own.It doesn’t matter if they don’t cause any harm to you but you shouldn’t overdo them. If there is something good for you take them and if they may be harmful to you do not put them in your mind. In some movies and dramas and also the internet there are things that are poisonous to the mind . But you cannot stay away from them because they are also the biggest sources to get knowledge , which is one thing you surely will have to acquire. Only if you have the right knowledge you will be able to differentiate right and wrong. Gathering knowledge is a lifelong process . It never ends. Beside movies , dramas and the internet you get knowledge from books , from our environment, and from experiences of our own or other people’s.But you have to choose what to look for because all of these sources are not good and advantageous. When-ever you hear and see something , if it is remarkable or good put it in your mind and discard it if it is futile.  Choose carefully what you are going to read and going to watch.

I want to say something about the internet. Computers are the most advanced gadget today and the internet is the one thing we cannot do without. Everybody knows about the advantages of the internet, so I will not go into details. But the thing I want to say about it is that many people are misusing it . Even if someone is not using it for obscene knowledge using it for playing games, watching dramas or chatting  for long hours about senseless  matters are not good actions and will hurt that person in the long run. So I want to advice you not to go to extremes but use it for good purposes only.

Well….. I am going to conclude my note to you now. You understand that I am saying all these because I love you and I want you to become perfect persons. To be educated , truthful, dutiful , kind, generous and not be poisonous to your society but someone who will make it better. Be careful in everything you do, don’t get addicted to something that is meaningless, and sometimes you have to refrain, or control yourselves  from overdoing something that will not be good for you. As you are going into the open wide world, arm yourselves with wisdom and knowledge and start to tread your way to become a person whom I would like you to be.

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