Thursday, October 25, 2012

N32 To My Granddaughters (and all daughters as well ) with Love

N 32     To My Grand Daughters ( and all Daughters as well ) with Love ( part 1 )

Sometimes when I see you doing something that I think is not right and proper ,I want to tell you so, but I didn’t do so because I know you will not like and will say I’m nagging . So I keep it to myself and refrain from saying anything . But I am old now and does not know when I am leaving you forever. And we are not born with full knowledge who knows everything that no teachings and admonishings are necessary . So if I don’t say anything to advice you , something which will be useful for your future lives I think I will be an irresponsible person. So let me give you some advice before it is too late.
You are a fortunate bunch of kids who have everything . You attend expensive international  schools and have gone  (also preparing to go in the future ) abroad to study. Although you are studying in an expensive school with some extra tuitions I see that you are not studious, don’t work hard but live carefree lives with  no ambitions. You don’t know the lives of children who are living in poverty, those who cannot go to school although they want to, those who have to work to support their parents and family , so you cannot be considerate and compare your lives with them.

You are now in the first part of your lives. People have to fulfil their duties according to their age. The  first    part of your live is for learning . You have to acquire education as much as you can. The more learning and many degrees the much better. With education you can serve your country as well as yourselves. I would like you to be highly educated persons than to be rich and wealthy. So I want to urge you to put some effort and concentrate on getting higher degrees  which can also be called vocational trainings so that you will not have to repent in later years. It is better if you have ambitions and try to achieve them.

The next thing I want to tell you is about religion and culture. We are born Myanmar citizens with Buddhist as our religion. Our basic culture and religious teachings are that we revered the triple gems which are Payar, Tayar, Sangha plus parents and teachers. These 5 things and persons never teach us to do wrong. Instead they teach us to do the right things only, and guide us to become rightful persons. So never doubt their teachings , but learn about our religion as much as you can, where and when you can and follow the teachings during your lives. Try to become a real Buddhist by knowing the teachings of Buddha and not to be a Buddhist by birth only. As for parents and elders be respectful to them and try to be good daughters and grand daughters to them before they passed away.

To be continued…….

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