Monday, September 3, 2012

N24 The two Extremities

 Clothing has been a necessity for people since the beginning of civilization. As people become civilized food, clothing and shelter are the three main things people needed for their survival. So from ancient times people tried to get better and better in these three things.
As for clothing people around the world make and wear according to their tradition and customs. Weather, especially the hot and the cold weather is the main factor that influences the clothes of people. So people who live in cold places have to wear furs and clothes made of wool and thick materials to keep them warm.  But people who live in hot places wear light and thin clothes which are enough to cover their bodies. People who live in the deserts cover themselves from head to toe. This is because this way of wearing is suitable for the desert climate which is hot in the daytime and very cold at night.
In olden days people presumed that to cover the body is a civilized thing If we look at big continents of Europe , Asia, America people wear proper clothes according to their traditions and culture and they dressed fully except that the women’s dresses were  cut so low to reveal their chests. Only some people from some deep forests of Amazon, Africa, and some island countries wear little clothes and they take it as their culture.
But nowadays women began to wear more and more scantily. This way of wearing has become a fashion trend and it has started from countries of the west. After the bathing suit came the bikini and later nothing is worn under the sheer nylon fabric for the upper part and just a small patch with a string for the lower part of the body. This kind of fashion in the name of lingerie can be seen on TV 24 hours on the fashion channel.
Now this kind of fashion has spread all over the world. In our eastern countries women and girls wear a bra like top and very short pants or skirts as their casual dresses. It is an extremity that women of the world have gone into.
But there is a world where these scantily clad fashions cannot lay their hands on. This is happen in the Muslim world especially Muslim women from countries like Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and some African countries. According to their tradition they have to cover themselves from head to toe. Even the face has to be covered fully with only a small slit for the eyes to see. This also is the other extreme I want to say.
In my opinion, none of these two extremities is proper. The scantily clad fashions only provokes the sexual interest of the opposite sex and often lead to crimes such as raping or sexual abuse. I have read in a book that in some African countries, authorities had to give order to lower the girl students skirts’ length as in these countries girls are sexually abused and often by male teachers. So the way of dressing is an important factor for criminal actions.
But the way Muslim women dress is also not good in my view as they are ugly. These women may also want to dress prettily and have some fashionable hairdos. Women’s beauty is God given present to them. So do they have to hide them in this way, but this is my view only. Some may like to change and dress freely, but they cannot do so because they are dominated by men who don’t want changes. And I also know that some still like to stay their own way.
I don’t like any of these two extreme ways of dressing for women. I would like women to dress sufficiently, may it be western or eastern, that is not much revealing , that cannot be called wanton, that is pleasing to the eyes, comfortable and agreeable to the weather.

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