Thursday, September 20, 2012

N 30 A Trip to my Hometown Day 5 (8-9-12 )

Today is merit making ceremony day for Sydney’s mother , our sister in law Daw Nang Seng Aung . The invited guests will be entertained from 8;00 am. Some of the relatives went to the monastery at dawn to offer ah-yone sun to sanghas.
Guests began to arrive at about 8 with their offerings of rice and money and they were treated to a meal of rice and chicken and fish curries as main dishes in a zayat. There was sar –haw ( Reciting of Buddha’s teachings or stories relating to Buddha’s life in poetic Shan language )which most old people listened in the main monastery.
I cannot sit flat on the floor for a long time . So after some time I came out and sat on a wooden seat encircling a tree with some relatives, sometimes greeting people  with gladness in my heart to have to speak to people known long ago and because they are still living . Some had gone ahead of me according to our  law  of impermanence. One person I met at that time and should  mention here   was Sayama Daw Nang Lin the midwife who had brought my second son into this world.I saw U Sai Mya Han , my co-party unit member . a kind and simple man who still looks good though he is hard of hearing. Many people ( including Burmese ) came from other places to work in Kunhing , and they never go back but settle  here and make it their home. Maybe it is a nice place to settle in.
The merit making ceremony took place at 1;00 o’clock and  ended at 2. After that I went back to the house I put up at. I wanted a  photo with the Kunhing signpost . As we had not taken when we came in I planned to go to the other one which is at the east  end of Wan Pang village , on the way to Kali. So Sydney drove me and his sister in law there. Ying who was also on her way to Kali for the third time also stopped there and we took photos together.
The rest of the evening was as usual, having guests at home. The women of the way- yar – wit –sa association who always do voluntary works at the monastery also came and visit. We had some talks which eventually led to the problems of Kunhing , human trafficking and drugs. From such talks I realized that  there are women who would like to see their town changed to become a better environment. And I am glad to see such spirits in women of our town , which is a good sign

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