Monday, May 21, 2012

N 5 : I and Daw Aung San Su Kyi

I have much in common with Daw Aung San Su Kyi. We were born in the same year. She is in June and I am in September. Her father fought for the freedom of this country and was a famous political leader. My father also fought for the freedom of this country. He joined the Doubama Aseeayone and was also a Thakhin. He was also a member of a political party that fought to free the Shan States from the feudal Lords.
I am not comparing my father to the great Bogyoke Aung San. Bogyoke is the leader of the whole Burma while my father activated only in a small part of the Shan States.
But Bogyoke was assinated in 1947 and also was my father by the Feudal Lords. Daw Aung San Su Kyi was only 2 and I was only 3 by then.
About my name, I had one foster brother, who is older than me. I knew from him that because Bogyoke named his daughter Aung San Su Kyi my father named me Su Su. And so anybody can see that the ‘S’ from my blogger’s pen name is s he short form of ‘Su’. 

Other than these facts I cannot compare myself to Daw Aung San Su Kyi. I am just a dust when she is a shining star. I wish her good health and …….

“Long Live Daw Aung San Su Kyi”...

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