Tuesday, May 29, 2012

N9 : Conservation of Nature

This morning we had some visitors and we happened to talk about Taunggyi. They said they had visited Inlay and the Tamsang Cave and we discussed about the newly construction works in the cave. So an idea I have been wanting to write about came back into my mind and so I transform them into words.
In January while we were in Melbourne we visited a scenic spot called Lakes Entrance. It is about 4 hours drive from Melbourne. After 2 nights stay at Lakes Entrance we left to come back to Melbourne. Before long we reached a place where a road branches out to a town called Buchan (pro; buk can) There is a tourists attraction place called Buchan Caves there. We wanted to visit that place and so we took the road to it which took us 45 minutes.
When we were in Buchan we went right to the caves. In the ground there is every facility for camping. We had to pay $17 each to enter the cave.
Tours are conducted according to schedule and are lead by a tour guide. The visitors are gathered and the guide explains to the visitors about the cave and the dos and don’ts.
After that the guide opened the locked door at the entrance and the tour began. Like the caves in Myanmar the cave is full of stalagtites and stalagmites which are fascinating. 
But the difference between our caves and their caves is that they take much care in conserving their caves. It is not only a hundred or two hundred years for the stalagtites and the stalagmites to be formed to this state. So they are valued much. People are not allowed to touch them. At some places they were even guarded by iron nets. People can only view them from outside. We can say that they value nature. Take a look at the mountain in the east of Taunggyi. It had been covered with thick-green forest when we were young. But many pagodas and monasteries sprouted all over the mountains, and roads were built over it. These things affected the environment and our mountain is not like the olden days now.
What I want to say is that we should have the knowledge not to destroy our environment, but to value them for our own benefits. If the people doesn’t know about this the officials who have responsibilities should educate the citizens and prevent them from doing so.

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