Monday, May 21, 2012

N 4 : The Old and the Young

We had a birthday party for my grand-daughter at home one night and I talked to Moe Moe, my daughter’s friend, and she said her mother is going to Korea with a tour company in April. We had gone to visit Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand last year with her father and mother. I knew that they were fond of travelling.
The thing I want to say here is about the difference between people. In our tour group beside me and my husband and some relatives there are two young women who hasn’t been abroad. When we were in Ho Chi-Minh City we visited the Gucci Tunnels. There I noticed that while the other people were exploring around the place they just sat at the entrance sipping soft drinks.

When we came to Angkor Wat I saw clearly how they are. These two young ladies never set a foot into that world famous building but just sat at the food stalls and visited the souvenir shops. During this time after we all explored Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom we were all tired and sat to rest and waited for our group to come back. Those two old people (Moe Moe’s parents) I mentioned above were the last to come back. They visited every nook and corner in the blazing heat. They are not young people. The husband is 70 and the wife’s somewhat younger. They came with us because they wanted to visit Angkor Wat in the 1st place.

If we look at these two couples, one old and one young we cannot say that they differ very much in education. All of them would at least have higher education. But the older one, they grow up in the merchandising environment and living in a big city. The younger couple grows up in the countryside and so they may not know the real value of old historical sites. They even say that why we took them to old and decrepit places (behind our back).

I have to conclude that it is the age, the education and experience that make them like that and that I as a group leader should warn  them before hand about places we are going to visit and that we are not going to visit shopping malls and theme parks only. 

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