Saturday, May 19, 2012

N 1 : Why did tears well in my eyes

I had some obsession with the ‘’Silk Road. “I don’t know why. So when I decided to translate an English book into Burmese I chose the ‘Silk Road’.

Many people know about the Silk Road. Some have learnt about it in History. It is a very ancient road used more than 2000 years ago to communicate between the western world  (Turkey and Rome ) to China. Most people know about it from the travels of Marco Polo and Journey to the West (Wu Khone). But there are still people (mostly from younger generations) who doesn’t know about it.
 Well ….. I looked for the book but could not find a suitable one. At one time one nephew of mine who knew that I am looking for it brought me one. He borrowed it from somewhere. I took a look at it and decided to translate it.
It is my first book and a bit difficult. I had to ask the author U Myint Kywe to help me and edit it for me.
When the book is finished I think that though I am interested in the Silk Road and want to visit it I cannot do so because I am old and cannot be sure about my health. So I thought about writing a postscript saying;
“To my daughter……to visit the Silk Road in place of your mother whenever you get a chance to do so”
I did not really put the postscript but I told my daughter by email and her reply said;
‘I want to cry mum when  I read your email. If you want to go there why don’t you go by yourself. I think u still can do so if u really want to.”
When I read her email tears also welled in my eyes. So I had to flash my eyes so as not to make tears fall down.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aunty,
    There's a will, there's a way. It seems really interesting ancient road. If I have a chance I wanna accompany with you.
    You still can go and visit there......
