Wednesday, February 20, 2013

N40   Books I translated    2

Until now I had translated some 8 books. ( 5 published ) The 1st book is  Quiet Skies on Salween “ as I have written. My 2nd book is “ The Silk Road “ and I have written about it in my blog No 1. So I will not write about it again . I chose to translate “ Half the Sky “ as my 3rd book.

This book was one of the few books I brought with me from Melbourne Australia, when I was there in 2010. I went into a bookstore to buy some but it is very hard to choose from among so many books. After looking around I finally picked up 2 books from non fictions counter. One was  “Half the Sky “  and the other “  Confessions of an Economic Hit Man “. I read them while I was still there and found out all two are good books that should be translated.

But for some reasons I started doing Half the Sky a little late, and to obtain the permit to produce it took 4 months. I even thought that it will never be permitted. The publishing process did not take much time and it went into circulation at the end of year 2011, while I was in Australia for the 2nd time.

Half the Sky represented  women of the world, because women contributed half the population of the world. It is about some women in the world who are under previledged and does not get the same opportunity as men, women who are abused sexually and mentally, women who are treated unequally because of customs and traditions.

 When we say about abused women those who are working in the sex trade will be the most significant.  This business has flourished in some South East Asian countries where the victimized women and  girls are from underdeveloped countries such as Nepal ,Cambodia and our Myanmar. They are lured to work in brothels of Thailand , Malaysia , India etc by promise of good jobs as maids, or factory workers or some other kinds of jobs. But when they reached the cities they are forced to work as prostitutes against their will without hygienic environment or any health care. So the girls lose  their future and many lose their lives by getting AIDS.

When a girl ended in a brothel her life is as good as death. So people who knows about this thing oppose to this business and some try to help to eradicate it through music, through writings , through speeches and organizational works.  Nicholas kristof and Sheryl Wudunn’s book Half the Sky is a good example in letting people know and would like  to come to help.This has been a hot issue for many years and it is still now. Many people including celebrities are trying to help to end this modern day slavery.

Not very long ago there was a music concert held in the ground of people’s square ( Pyithu Yinbyin ) Many local singers such as R Zarni, Sai Sai Kham Hlaing, Hpyu Hpyu Kyaw Thein, Chan Chan  sang along together with foreign famous singers Jason Mraz and Slot Machine of Thailand who came with their own band . The theme of the concert is to “ Stop Human Trafficking “ including men and women  alike.

Our world is a mix place of good and bad. But there is always hope. So let us not lose hope for the world to become better.

 to be continued......

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