Friday, June 15, 2012

N 23 So as Not to get Repentance

The following 10 things are sayings from 2500 years ago, said the late author Nandar Thein Zan. He said that he is thinking if these sayings of long long ago are still useful for people and are they still right as time has changed too much. So he would like you to read and decide for yourselves if they are or they are not.
1)      If we cannot get what should be got, we will get worried and saying I, when young, did not work to earn, to accumulate, and get worried when old. 
2)      Those who don't have a good vocational training will have a hard livelihood. So when old will have worries thinking I didn't learn and get a good training when I was young.
3)      I, when young, had done crooked deeds, had slandered, had said coarse things. So, I have to worry about those deeds when grow old.
4)      I, when young, had done the misdeed of killing, had done despicable things, didn't have pity on creatures. So, we saying, when old have to worry.
5)      when young and when there were other free women, had committed adultery. So, saying when old have to worry.
6)      I when young had enough food, enough wealth and I had not done alms giving. So, saying we have to worry when old.
7)      I when young had enough wealth, enough strength to look after, to feed old parents and yet hadn't done it. Then we have to worry when old.
8)      My father had admonished me primarily as a teacher, had given me all things and care for me. I had not feed him and taken care of him in return. So, thinking we have to worry when old.
9)      I, in younger days, had not take refuge in priests and saints who had sila, and knowledge. So saying we have to worry in later years.
10)  I in olden days had not taken the practice that should be revered, to stay calm and live frugally. So saying we have to worry when old.
Those 10 things, if we have not done will be the things we will have to repent the most in later years.

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