Friday, June 15, 2012

N 11 Tuol Sleng (Part 2)

The next morning when we were in a speed boat bound for Siem Riep along the Tonle Sap Lake I heard some talking about last. Many had sleepless night thinking about Tuol Slang. Even Sayama Nang On whom I think is afraid of nothing had a nightmare they said. She let out a loud cry and her roommate Nang Hom had to call her name   “Pi Nang On …. Pi Nang On “and woke her up. I assumed that the impact of Tuol Slang is big on all of us.
It is fortunate when Sokhin asked me after the tour if we want to go to another killing fields a little far from the city , and I replied  “No….we have had enough of it. “
The human races have seen many cruelties done to one by another. They had been because of hate or lust for power or wealth. There were the Holocaust, the atom bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the genocide committed by the Hutus upon the Tutsis in Africa to mention a few.
It will be best if man can have metta, karuna, mudita, upeka on one another as taught by the Lord Buddha or one nation to another and live together harmoniousl.
Only then the world will be at peace.

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