Sunday, May 30, 2021

N 108   The Way we Live  2

I like living in a big household. Most of my life I had lived like that. At least there would be about half a dozen family members, and neighbours who we could communicate were not far away. We can get helping hands when needed and also can give help if necessary in return. I am amazed when I see and hear someone living alone because I am worried about them especially in time of health emergency.

I once asked a friend of my daughter who was living alone “What would you do in time of emergency  like something bad about your health happen in the middle of the night”  She replied reassuringly “ I can call 911 “ Yes , they can do that. Because the country they are living in are modernized and everything is organized. Even then as a person who worries about everything , I thought if somebody passed out suddenly he or she would not be able to do anything but have to wait until somebody find them out.

But at present that is not the issue I have to worry about. I am living with a big family as I wish. There are 6 family members 2 maids and an errand boy who work for the household. The family members are the 2 of us, 1 single daughter, and the youngest daughter with her husband and the cute grandson Sai Ollie. So our house would not be quiet and serene and monastery like. But quite the opposite.

 But living with many people is not always quiet and harmonious. There are not 2 persons who share the same view, same liking, same beliefs. If I like this another family member will like that and so on. But most of us understand that to insist on our likings would bring only trouble and turbulence in the family  , and so will stay quiet and not bring the subject again . especially not to antagonize the head of the household.

It is the same with our neighbours. As there are 4 houses comprising of 5 families in our compound we try to live harmoniously with each other. As I have written in my blog “The way we live “some years ago there were many more people in our compound then. But now as 3 seniors passed away and one big family moved to their new house the number of people in our compound had fallen that only about 24 left.

But even there are fewer people we all are still enjoying a friendly accompaniment. With a few steps we can go and visit , to chat  at somebody’s house. When we have oversupply of food like some guests bring from their hometown , usually Kunhing, we would share with each other.

Our family like to cook food such as mohnhinga or warm tophoo and when we do we will share with the whole compound. When there is occasion like birthdays we will make some specialties like buffet dinner or hotpot . At times like this some who knows how to cook give a helping hand and  all households are mee kho teik ( no smoke which means  do not have to cook at home )

One family (our nephew ) has 2 daughters whose ages do not differ much from our Sai Ollie. When they are at home the noise they make while playing or bicycling or riding ski board together make our compound full of sound and laughter. Anyway life with children is more lively and cheery . It is better than without children.

I like the way I am living now. Our house though it is not modernized or luxurious, is convenient for our family. We are well provided by the head of the family and don’t have to worry for ourselves.But like all people is not free from anxieties. Besides I have reached my senior age and is not without ailments. When will I fall ill and reach the end of life I cannot know. Like many people  my  only wish is not to feel pain before dying but to have to face death calmly.

But although I am contented with my life I don’t feel much happiness. I have always felt that life is a misery. Even if my life is fulfilled I am seeing , reading, hearing about miseries of life. Miseries, hardships, inconveniences of lives of people around the world. The world itself is facing many problems that one day it will come to an end.

As I said in the above paragraph my life is a fulfilled one, if I don’t compare it to a much higher one. I owe all this to my husband though I never said that to him.He is a wonderful husband who never mistreated me, never raised a finger on me. If I had been greedy and asked for not ending things I think he will fulfill my wishes. But I am not that kind of person

and keep my own limit.

And another thing is I believe he will look after me well if I fall ill. As we are not young anymore who will go first Idon’t know. But at this old age we sure need each other’s company.

To end this blog I would like to say…..

Thank you USTM for everything you have done for me and  the family. May you live a long and healthy life free from anxieties….and don’t go away before me.


S of the Shan Hills                                                                          9th Oct 2020


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