Wednesday, June 6, 2018

N   98  Bagan in my heart

I had been reading a book about Bagan. It was written by author Maung Thar Cho, and the title is “ Lacquer smelling pages of a semi desert “

In the book the author narrated every thing about Bagan; its history written by Burmese historians like Dr Than Tun and also foreign scholars as well.

Beside history with it’s kings the author also wrote some incidents concerning famous and infamous pagodas, about spirits that came into existence during the Bagan era, fable like stories such as Kyansittha and his 3 heroes, , Bagan’s connections with Thiho ( Ceylon ) and also Mount Popa, and poems about Bagan written by famous poets.

And then about steles of which Mya Zedi is the most famous. We know from the book that the 1st person who discovered it was Dr.E Forchammer, a professor of English from Yangon College in 1886 and that the interpreter was a German scholar Dr. Charles Otto Blagden who worked in Singapore and Indonesia.This made me wonder why it had always been foreigners who discovered old monuments like Angkor Wat, Borobudur, and now our Myazedi Stele. 

We had known all along that Mya Zedi stele was erected by Yarza Kumar , son of Kyansithar and Thambula and it depicted his gratitude to his father. Some paragraphs in the book gave us doubts about Yarza Kumar being the son of Kyansithar and Thambula.

Well…. history cannot be said to be a hundred percent true. Historians have to assemble the facts, clues, relics and sayings handed down from old people to young people to make history. Anyway, true or not true Bagan had been great during its days, that even widows can build pagodas that lasted a thousand years with a number of over 2000.

The author wrote :
This much grand a past
This much majestic a history
This much artful and magnificent bygone days
This much bright and radiant yesterday……
Oh…. Bagan, I value  you as my life

And then he said he loves Bagan; to drink tea from lacquer smelling tea cups, to eat lahpet from a lacquer bowl, to haul water from a well with a lacquer pail and bath, to sit quietly under a hta naung tree encircled  by a red earth footpath, to go and pay homage to serene pagodas with distinquished historical backgrounds. He liked all of these that he had visited Bagan uncountable times.

Another book about Bagan that I like is the book written by Nanda Thein Zan. The title is “ Thoughts about Arimadana still lingering “. I had read and bought it more than once . It was what the author and some friends discussed about Bagan old days which left the author with thoughts.I like the somewhat poetic way that it was written.

So , through what I have read and seen in reality I  also come to like Bagan. I had been to Bagan many times though not as much as the author , but I don’t feel I have had enough of it….

to be continued…..

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