Tuesday, September 19, 2017

N 93  The Arakan – Bengali crisis  : in the eye of a Myanmar citizen

Myanmar is a small country in south east Asia with an area of 261228 sq miles and 52 million population. It borders China in the east and Bengaladesh in the west ( not to mention other countries that it is not having problems with ) Over 130 ethnic groups are living in Myanmar. And so because we are not one and the same race there are problems naturally.

Beside having its own internal problems during these few years a problem that would shake the whole country arise. Bengaladesh that borders Myanmar is a country so densely populated with 156 million , that some overflow its border to spill over into our country.

There is history that over a hundred years ago Bengalis were brought into Myanmar to work in the fields and as thay have been living for many generations that they were recognized by the government as its citizens. But as population boomed in Bengaladesh to make lives hard , people from Bengaladesh poured into Myanmar by waves. They called themselves Rohingyas  and demand that they were given citizenship by Myanmar government. Some obtained identity  cards by bribing the corrupt immigration department and some were given by power holding parties in exchange to vote for them in the election.

But many remain unrecognized and are  trying to become Myanmar citizens . Sometimes conflicts break out between the Arakanese and Bengalis . There are much differences between the native Arakanese and the Bengalis.  The most distinct characteristic is that the Arakans are devout Buddhists and the Bengalis  are mostly Muslims. A few years ago a spark was ignited by the Bengalis  when a group of Bengalis raped and kill an Arakan girl. This incident led to killings on both sides and brought in organizations like UNHCR to investigate in the case.

But whoever came they insist that Myanmar recognize the Bengalis as its citizens , which the government is  denying , as they are not our citizens rightfully, but unlawful immigrants. If a consensus is to be made among the citizens of Myanmar nobody will want to receive them as one of our nationalities.

But with their traditions and beliefs their population is growing fast with many families having over 10 members, that their population surpassed the Rakhines  or other ethnic groups and Hindus like in Maungdaw.

The latest incident that happened on 25th August was started by the so called Rohingya. They have formed an extremist insurgent group and on 25th August held coordinated attacks on several police posts where 12 members of security forces  and at least 77 rohingyas were reportedly killed. Later some Rakhine , Hindus , and members of small ethnic groups were also found to be killed by Muslims.

So Myanmar military forces had to come in to do clearance operation.Who will stay calm and immobile when our security forces were being attacked and our people being killed . So counter attack and clearing territories were made.There may be killings and burning of villages , where insurgents had been hiding , which usually happen in wars. But in the Muslim world including the UNHCR high commissioner  condemned the army’s action. They accused the army of burning villages , rape, ethnic cleansing,. Some said 3000 Muslims were killed.

 I don’t believe what they said. 3000 is ridiculous and it cannot be said ethnic cleansing. How can the military wipe out the Rohingyas whose population is over one million in Myanmar. Over 40000 fled to Bengaladesh is right. Reports that Bengalis burned their own houses were also heard , and that is to put the blame on Myanmar military and to get sympathy and funds from outside.

To flee to Bengaladesh is a right thing to do in my opinion. They had come from that country and it is the right place they should be. Why would they want to come and live in Myanmar. As I have said the Myanmar (Arakan ) people are very different from them , by race, by religion, language, customs, beliefs, and everything. These two races cannot live together for sure.

If we permit them to come and live in our land  , the first thing that will happen is that they will overwhelm our population in a few decades, by their quickly multiplying population because their religion allow men to have multiple wives with unlimited children.. And there is a threat to our country , a threat of Islamisation.

We have seen whole countries changed it’s religion from Buddhism to Islam. The countries along the Silk Road such as Western China, Kazakhstan, Uzbekhistan, Afghanistan, to Syria and Turkey were Buddhists or Christian Countries at first. But when they were  conquered They were turned into Islamic countries, by Islamic leaders and merchants who traded along the Silk Road.

So every country has to be careful to retain its land and religion, and not to become victims of Islamisation. They have plans to overwhelm the world with every means they can use.
These days countries have to face the refugee problems. These refugees are mostly muslims. On grounds of human rights countries are receiving refugees. Looking at violent incidents around the world  like bomb exploding, stabbing with knives, drive motor vehicles into crowds and such like are mostly perpetrated by Islamist extremists. The attack of the WTC  New York in 2009 which killed 3000 people was the biggest deed they had done. And they are warning the world that more are to come.

I didn’t mean that all muslim people are extremists. Maybe only a handful is a threat to mankind. But this handful like the IS is dangerous enough and the fast multiplying population is also one thing countries should think about.

At present we are facing criticism and condemnation from outside. The latest incident was not incited by the Rakhine people but by the Rohingyas who surely have military background behind them. Some said that they have plans to establish their own territory in Rakhine. To let them encroach into our country is impossible . It would be violating our sovereignty.

All foreign organizations including the UN or UNHCR have no right to put pressure on Myanmar, to let Bengalis come and settle here. This is not their country. They came from Bengaladesh and Bengaladesh should take them in or go to other Muslim countries.
This is my view concerning the Bengalis and I believe all Myanmar people believe like this. We don’t have any desire to receive any people from outside far more who can be a threat to our race our religion, our culture and our lives.

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