Sunday, October 4, 2015

around city….

       Victoria Market… a large open air market more than 100 years old. Souvenirs, clothing, fruits and vegetables are sold here .It is a major tourist destination today.

   Cherry Farms….December is summer in Australia and the season when cherries ripen. We visited these farms 2 times by driving in our cars. One thing I need to mention here is about the GPS a device u have to  stick  onto the front glass of the car. If u print the place u want to go it will automatically guide u to your destination. Using this GPS we reached the farms successfully. After paying our entry fees we went in , picked and ate as much as we can, but for the fruits we were taking home we have to pay when we exit.It was a pleasant and happy experience especially because we had our babies ( granddaughters  ) with us.

  Arts Centre….situated on the south bank of the Yarra, the Arts Centre with with it’s golden spire is a distinctive landmark.It is Australia’s largest performing arts venue, consisting of a complex of theatres and concert halls . It hosts a large number of Australia and international performances and production companies.

  Docklands… a suburb of Melbourne 2 kms west of central business district. From art to sport and culture Dockland offers a colorful variety of events and attractions . We would often go there for shopping as there are direct outlets and specialty stores, as  well as entertainments and other attractions. It is a nice place to take photos along the waterfront and among the sculptures.

 Melbourne Museum….is a natural and cultural history museum located in the Carlton Gardens. It was established in 1854. It has 7 main galleries a children gallery, and a temporary exhibition gallery.It showcases Australia’s history,Indigenous cultures, science and the environment.

 Philip Island….we met with our friends U Sai Ba Nyan and U Kyaw Tint’s family 2 times in Melbourne and we sometimes went on trips together. Once we went to Philips Island On the way we visited a Koala conservation centre. At the reception we learned that koalas sleep about 20 hours out of 24 hours, that a newborn is very small , only the size of a pea, and that they feed on eucalyptus leaves. Then we walked along the walkways looking for the small creatures and eventually saw them dozing on trees.

 Then we continued to the Nobbies , a magnificent headland on the south western tip of the island. We strolled along the boardwalks absorbing coastal views at lookout points, set amongst seabird gardens , where we saw many gulls and some other birds. We learned that there is Seal Rocks home , Australia’s largest colony of fur seals although we didn’t see them. If we stay till evening we learned that we can observe cute penguins coming home called Penguin’s Parade, but we cannot wait to do so. Even then hearing and seeing pictures of  these cute creatures and the  dynamic views of the sea and land made this trip one of the amazing experiences we ever had..

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