Monday, September 21, 2015

N68            Books I translated (5 ) Part 2

After every step they had to give report to the Movement’s office. The 10th step is the last step where they made sure that the trees they planted survived and then the women got paid 10 cents for each tree that survived.

This was a very small amount of money but as the women did not have other ways of making money they gladly did the work. And so this was how Wangari came to plant 30 million trees in Kenya.

Environmentalists usually turn into politicians and so it was like this with Wangari. The government at that time in Kenya was under the leadership of one strong man who did not rule the country democratically.While the government’s party was made strong by bribing and corruption the oppositions were being pressed. Those who opposed the government were thrown into jail where  they were charged   by corrupt lawyers and judges. The government also mismanaged their scanty resources. ( forests and parks and aid money from abroad….)

 I cannot help thinking , oh… how like our country  and the govt;  but then  our govt; and country  are  far wealthier than Kenya but in the end the 2 countries will be depleted of it’s resources if nothing is done to prevent this mismanagement.

As in Kenya Wangari who was an environmentalist became a political activist.Beside planting trees she led women in protecting parks and  forests which the govt; was  using for their own benefits. And she also advocated on behalf of women whose sons were held in jail for opposing the govt;.

After getting many awards from different countries and organizations Wangari was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for contributing to sustainable development, democracy and peace.
I like this book because it gives me inspiration and admiration. Believe me or not… while I am reading the chapter about planting trees I really want to do like her especially when we are in a dire situation to plant trees.

Lately we have been facing disasters that came with overlogging and unsystematic minerals producing and there are chances that we will also have to face them in the coming years

 But I am old now and  not in a position to do so. I wish there will be someone or some organizations that can do like Wangari (to lead people in planting trees and not depend only on the government )

 Trees take time to grow but it is better to start  growing  again than doing nothing. So let us make Wangari our inspiration and take a part in making our country green again and save it from coming disasters.

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