N 89
The Age Old Buddha Statues and Pagodas of Wan
Sing (Shan State )
came to know about this place not long ago.On the new year day of our Burmese
calendar (17/5/17 ) we went to the Shan State Buddhist University with
offerings for the monastery as is our custom. It was a rainy day and there were
only a few devotees at the monastery. So we had a leisurely talk with the monk
who received the offerings and gave blessings. While talking about my late
travel to Merng Nawng , Merng Hsu and Hai Par waterfall he mentioned that there
is an unknown place in Wan Sing which has many old Buddha statues and some
pagodas. These were built by Sawti Shans some centuries ago and as they did not
reside there anymore there are no one to take care of the place and with some
evil persons who tried to rob and destroy the Buddha statues this place had
gone to ruins. So it is needing some donors and some restoration.

became interested in this place and asked a friend who have some connections to
Wan Sing to get me some photos of the place. Before long I received the photos
and I saw that they really looks old and very much needed to be restored. On the advice to go and see it
myself and offering to drive the car by
SHT the 4 of us drove to Wan Sing on the 29
th of May.
Sing is 20 miles from Kholam which is 105 miles from Taunggyi. USTS who is a
native of Wan Sing and a benefactor of the pagodas joined us at Namsang and we
all went together.
reached Wan Sing before noon, after having lunch at Kholam. The elders of
WanSing village and some villagers who had heard that donors who will help
restore the place and were pleased with
the news had gathered at a place to take us to the religious ground.
distance to the pagodas is about 5/6 miles and it is not a paved road road but
a dusty one and very narrow but on flat land.That 5/6 miles took us more than
half an hour.
first glance at the place made us perceive that the place is really old and
decrepit and urgently in need of renovation. After alighting from our cars and
climbing a few steps we came to a place built by UTS for paying homage to the
statues. And then the monks whom the Abbot of Kholam had brought, led us to paying
homage to the Buddha.
the monks had left we took a look around. We heard that there are about 540
statues and actually it looks like there really are. But most are not complete
figures but are ruined without heads or limbs. The people there said only about
a hundred figures are in complete state.
The figures are stucked so closely to each other
with no uniformity in size, some big some small, some in sitting posture ,
and a few reclining. I didn’t notice any standing
Buddha. The faces look antique enough and what we heard that they were built 2
or 3 centuries ago seems correct. The builders were Sawti Shans who worship
only the Buddha and his teachings , and so they don’t have Sanghas. They also
have strict rules of life and lives accordingly to them. But they had left this
place to live anywhere else and so there
is no one to take care of this place, that they had gone to ruins.Evil people
had also ransacked and looted the place in search of valuables.
what I heard that there is no roof over the statues was wrong. Actually the
statues are under 2 halls with steep roofing , but the tin roofs are so old and
rusty. Some of the wooden poles had been covered with gold leaves but even these
were not free from the hands of the looters. Only traces of gold can be seen
now over their black lacquer foundation. Some elders said that out of the 540
statues only about a hundred are in good condition. And to our amazement the
robes of some of the statues are intrically adorned with pieces of coloured
glass to make them more attractive.
these 2 halls , scattered over the not so big compound are some medium sized pagodas. Altogether 22
of them. Not one is complete with umbrella. Naturally all look age old and
covered with moss and dirt. Some with bricks loosened at their foot. As the
pagodas were opened on one side the looters entered from the entrance and dug
the centre part of the
pagoda in search of valuables.
seeing what have to be seen we gathered at a zayat of Wan Sing’s biggest
monastery and had a talk about renovating the place. I promised to raise 5 million kyats
and with donations from friends and relatives and donors, I told them we would be able to do some really needy repair work.
The villagers were glad that some one appeared to help with repairing the
decrepit place of worship. They said that they would form a committee and start
work at once. Firstly to widen the narrow road to the place . And then a barb
wire fence around it and later other repair works.

now I had received some funds for these works. But if more donations will come
in this place can become a neat and attractive place of worship and visit. It
will be nice if a big donor come out so that the 2 very old halls can be replaced by new ones. But any
amount is going to be a help to renovate the hidden Wan Sing Buddhas and Pagodas,
So I invite friends and relatives and donors to join me in this merit making
work to add a place of attraction to our Shanland.