Saturday, February 18, 2017

 N  86   Continuation of  The Water Dripping Ceremony 
                              in Kunhing   Shan State

The next day the 8th was for entertaining guests who came from far and near to make some donation. The Shans take this custom so seriously. If they are invited they would try to come and donate some money as much as they can whether it be a small sum or a big one. The donors take care of the food and guests are treated the whole day. The cooking and serving groups are specially organized, and everybody do their tasks unitedly.  They stay leisurely as long as they can listening to Sar Haw before going back.
The 9th was the most important day because the purpose of the occasion will be fulfilled and completed that day. When we reached the new Dammaryone it was already full with people who were taking part in this water dripping ceremony .At the top of the hall, in front of the altar the Abbot  and invited Sanghas had already taken place with offertories lining in front of them.Donors each held a small jug filled with water and a cup to catch the water when it is dripped from the jug. It means that we the donors had donated for the sake of merit to enjoy this life and in after lives. We have donated with a clear cut mind and without any attachments. And we want to share the merit to all beings. So let all beings hear of this good deed and receive the sharing we are making.
Saya U Tun kyaw  made  explanations about the building of the Dhammaryone and read out the names of the major donors ( a board showing all the names of the donors was also erected outside the building )After that Lung Saray Aw read out a long lanka in Shan language which he had composed. Compliments to him for so nice a lanka (poem )and I felt proud that we have a culture like this and afraid that this culture will disappear in the coming generations.
Then the paying of homage to the Sanghas, and well wishes  by Sanghas were given . Lastly with  the water dripping and merit sharing the ceremony came to an end. I don’t know when we can be a donors  and be able to participate in this kind of event again . But I prayed that the merit gained from this donation will enable us to get to a high plane of existence , and we also share the merit to all beings far and near.

A hmya….A hmya…..A hmya

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

N 85      The Water Dripping Ceremony in Kunhing… Shan State

Our family had to participate in a big and special occasion this February. That occasion was the water dripping ceremony for the Sukhitaron Dammaryone ( Prayer Hall  ) which was donated by our family along with other donors.It is Buddhists custom to hold this ceremony after making some donations, to make all beings hear of the good deed and receive the merit shared to them. According to  the  agenda of the ceremony   the opening of the Dhammaryone  is  to be  held on the 7th. The 8th is  for receiving guests far and near who come to make donations,  and  the water dripping  ceremony on the 9th. So we got to  Kunhing  on the  evening    of the  6th.

We were reminded that the opening ceremony   would be at 8;00 am . I got there at that time hoping to get into the Dhammaryone which is inside the compound of  Kan Oo monastery, but was amazed to see the short lane to the monastery lined with groups of people, young and old, men and women in their traditional Shan dress. The colour of men’s dresses did not vary much, but each group of women wore  the same colour , and as there were many groups the place looked like a colourful flower garden. The lane was also decorated with flags and  long tungs (  long pieces of cloth with decorated panels  which people offered to get merit ),so that the scenery was so colourful and fascinating that nobody could resist taking photos.There will be the opening of the entrance gate here.

  Before  long the cutting of the ceremonial ribbon took place. The cutting was performed by the venerable Sayadaw Aggacina, abbot of Aung Mingalar Monastery and air balloons were released into the air. After that the Sayadaw was escorted into the monastery where the Sukhitaron Dhammaryone  is situated. After some preparations were made the ribbon cutting for the opening of the Dhammaryone  itself  took place.

  After the ribbon cuttings were done the people who had lined the lane earlier got into their concerned groups and walked around the Dhammaryone. Sounds of Shan Ouzi and gongs and linguin filled the air and seeing them singing and dancing our hearts were filled with happiness and joy. Women and girls who were not in the dance group carried offertories at chest level and the Padetha pin which Shans called  Toun (tree … tree where offerings are hung )was carried by men and boys. They didn’t carry it quietly , but also played  with it , pulling it to one side and then the other,sometimes nearly crashing into people watching at the side of the passing line of people. I don’t know the meaning of why they do like this but it may be just for fun or to make them forget the tiredness.

In this way they circled the prayer Hall 3 times and then went to rest. There was Sar Haw ( recitation of Bhudda’s teaching  and life stories of Buddha ) and people who came to donate money for the Prayer Hall and also for the 3 stories  Hsoon Sar hsaung ( Mess Hall for Sanghas ) that is not fininished yet, listened to that. Everybody who came was offered food the whole day which was donated by some devotees.

To be continued….